Player positions in basketball explained

In basketball standardly there are three positions or as they are called still, role: If to sort a situation in more detail, then it is possible to mark out five categories: All these positions are not regulated by rules of basketball and have formal character. 1. The point guard Represents a position in basketball team. […]

How to pick the best basketball ball

Basketball game does not lose the popularity, every year winning the hearts and bodies of new and new children. The basketball is popular and known on all continents as among girls, and young men. Before beginning to play basketball, let’s choose a ball correctly. A certain type of a ball is intended for a game […]

Two largest ball manufacturers – Spalding and Molten

Spalding – the producer of equipment for sport (from Springfield). The founder of this company is Albert Spalding who made the first basketball in honor of James Naismith, somewhere in the XIX-XX centuries. Since then the company started making basketballs, and balls for the National Basketball Association (NBA) – since 1983 Spalding – this first […]

All time best basketball players

Speed at movement on the sports ground, the exact and well-rehearsed throws, ability to play it is command and harmoniously is, perhaps, the major rules which the best basketball players of the world have to possess. Plus, to everything, is played by physical data and growth of the basketball player large role. Despite that the […]

Top 5 Players of 2000-2010 decade

World champions and the Olympic Games, “The most useful players” of NBA, recognized masters – sounds the version of top ten players of the world of the leaving decade, listing basketball players who on the way to victories improved and is irreversible changed an own sport. In this list there are no many players […]